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**NEW RETAIL/ OFFICE ADDRESS: 2309 Grand Park Drive Grand Junction, CO 81505 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE
Your Local Heating, Cooling, Plumbing Experts
Serving Grand Junction, CO & Surrounding Areas
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HVAC systems need regular maintenance in order to keep them in good working condition. When you see the signs that your HVAC system isn't performing well, you can have an expert troubleshoot the HVAC system and fix the issues.
You, however, should know what signs necessitate you to call an expert. Read on to learn some of the signs of a failing HVAC system.
A rise in energy prices will likely lead to an increase in your energy bill. However, if the energy prices haven't changed but you notice you are paying more than you usually do in energy bills, you might need to check the electronics in your house. The best place to start would be your HVAC system.
If, for example, your HVAC ducts and air filters have debris, your system might have to work more than usual to maintain the temperatures in your house. Strains in the HVAC system's work can lead to an increase in energy bills.
Most HVAC systems have a characteristic sound they produce when starting up or shutting down. Any sounds out of the ordinary indicate possible issues within the system. Sounds such as rattling, buzzing, screeching, banging, whistling, grinding, or if your system is louder than usual all indicate possible issues.
Possible causes of these strange noises in your system include loose bolts or a loose fan blade.
Your HVAC system has one job; keeping your spaces comfortable. If the temperatures in your house are uneven, your HVAC system might need a checkup. A properly working system will keep the temperatures in your house regulated. A blown fuse, low refrigerant levels, or faulty compressor can all lead to poor functionality of your system.
If you smell rotten eggs, smoke, burning plastic, or a musty smell, your HVAC system might have some issues that need attention. The smell of rotten eggs might mean possible gas leaks, burning plastic might signify issues with the electrical components of your unit, and musty smells can result from mold growing in your system.
The best immediate action when you notice these unpleasant odors is to turn off your unit and call in an expert to take a look.
Your HVAC system should keep you comfortable all year long. If your house is too dry during the summer and too humid during the winter, your HVAC system might have issues.
An issue such as leaky ductwork may affect the humidity controlling abilities of your HVAC system. Have an expert check the condenser coil to ensure the condenser coil is clean and functional when you have humidity issues.
Lack of or reduced airflow from your HVAC may result from a faulty compressor, clogged air ducts, or the air filter.
Cleaning the air ducts and the air filter may restore the normal airflow. A faulty compressor may, on the other hand, require replacement. If you don't clean the ducts and filters, more dirt might accumulate on the air ducts and filters and block air entirely from flowing into your house.
If your HVAC system develops any of the signs that it requires maintenance and you don't have any training on handling HVAC repairs, avoid DIY repairs. DIY repairs are likely to cause more harm than good to your system and probably cost you more to have it fixed later on. Instead, choose a professional with experience, licensing, and insurance to repair your HVAC system.
If you need a professional company to work with, contact us at Haining Home Services. We are a licensed company dedicated to offering you top-notch HVAC repair services.
Address: 2309 Grand Park Drive Grand Junction, CO 81505
Phone: (970) 242-4429
Email: [email protected] |
NEW ADDRESS: 2309 Grand Park Drive,
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Phone: (970) 242-4429
Fax: 970-256-9003
Email: [email protected] |